Vision, Values, Principles


Epiphany Jordan helps people live healthier, happier, and more connected lives by collaborating with organizations and the people they serve to create resonant campaigns and programs. 


To create bespoke programs, guided by the priority populations, that combine creativity, scientific research, and commercial marketing techniques, allowing agencies, institutions, and nonprofits to serve their communities effectively and efficiently.


Empathy, autonomy, collaboration


These 10 principles inform my approach to working with an organization.

1. Serving a specific demographic well is more impactful than serving “everyone” poorly.

2. People will tell you what they need to make changes and improve their health if you ask them.

3. An outsider’s perspective can discover things busy staff members might overlook.

4. Lowering barriers for clients to change their habits is more important than extolling the benefits of said habits.

5. Finding the right audience, and the right message for that audience, can make or break a program/campaign.

6. The competition spends millions on their marketing efforts; shouldn’t health organizations take a similar approach?

7. Promotion is only one factor in creating a successful campaign.

8. People often have conflicting desires; getting healthier is rarely simple and straightforward.

9. Whenever possible, connect people with others in their communities; bonus points for intergenerational connections.

10. Programs that engage the professionals who serve a population can often have a greater impact than trying to serve the population directly.